Dives deep with...
Voyage to the Bottom of the Sea (1961)
Directed by Irwin Allen
Story by Irwin Allen, Charles Bennett
Music by Paul Sawtell
Art Direction by Herman Blumenthal, Jack Martin Smith
Special Photographic Effects by L.B. Abbott
Dives deep with...
Voyage to the Bottom of the Sea (1961)
Directed by Irwin Allen
Story by Irwin Allen, Charles Bennett
Music by Paul Sawtell
Art Direction by Herman Blumenthal, Jack Martin Smith
Special Photographic Effects by L.B. Abbott
Posted by
Robbie in Tokyo
5:20 PM
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Our Featured Movie Marathon, All Summer Long!!!
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Jules Verne's Mysterious Island (1961)
Directed by Cy Endfield
Story by Jules Verne, John Prebble
Music by Bernard Herrmann
Art Direction by William C. Andrews
Special Visual Effects by Ray Harryhausen
Posted by
Michael Chambers
7:07 AM
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Due to a family emergency The Cinemated Man has been temporarily off the air for the last month or so. His mother had fallen and broke both her shoulders and only recently been well enough to go home from rehab.
Posted by
Michael Chambers
11:36 AM
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